Trying to test how it works
December 16th, 2011 at Cabrillo Elementary By Donald H. Harrison SAN DIEGO — Second through fourth grade students who participate in…
Six girls ages 8 to 10 years old collected and delivered over 1000 books to Carrillo Elementary! Our kids’ first…
In my 11 years of living, I haven’t thought much about the way others live, I’ve known there are underserved…
Cramming again? Stressed and stressing everyone around you? What about the quality of the assignment? Many of us in middle…
The program focus on building courage, confidence, and compassion in kids towards elderly and especially their grandparents. (more…)
Social media has forever changed how we interact. The ability to reach the masses almost effortlessly never existed. Now, with…
what are the 5-things you can do or say to appreciate your friends? Complement them sincerely on soemthing Thank them on…
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